A mobile phone rage game where you must keep the three balls from hitting the spikes. You can swipe a barrier to let the balls bounce off but it is only temporary. Get coins for different ball colours. Comment about what you think of it!

Note: Please play this on a phone with touch screen (still works with a mouse). May take a while to load. There can be a problem playing with Apple devices


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Update: Bug fixes

The leader board was made using Silent Wolf https://silentwolf.com/

Update: New leader board ! It is the first version and will probably change later.

Update: Many bugs fixed!

Update: Unlockable colours for the line

Update: New high score system! And a change to game layout

Update: More unlockable colours

Update: Addition of a bar for drawing a line making the length cause an effect to the points

(1 edit)

Update: After some play testing, I have made Bounce Back portrait, removed power ups and made the buttons larger for small phone screens.